Who am I

I'm named after the Canadian penfriend (Valérie) of my godfather. I also go by Val for short. Born january 1988, I was raised up with video games and loved to climb trees as I was a child. Back then my sister and I rode the bike almost daily and we played in the cornfield every summer. We also collected frogs and Salamanders.


Now I'm too careful to climb trees. But I still go outside, especially during my favourite season winter. Since 2012 I go on my vacactions together with other people from a Internet platform 2x per year. We have common activities (cooking together, playing board games, holding literary evenings and more).


I'm a self-taught artist and started drawing back in 1996 with Anime/Manga Style.
Paused several years, started drawing again in the early 2000s, paused again several years and started once again in the late 2000s with the personal requirement to draw more realistic.

Beside drawing I'm also a dedicated writer of short stories, drabbles, poems and sometimes fanfictions and I publish my texts under a nickname in the internet.

when I don't draw nor write, I love to read books (Fantasy, Crime, Sci-Fi, young-adult literature), cooking and when I have lots of time I like to sew.



Adobe: After Effects, Bridge, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere Pro

Autodesk: 3DS Max, Mudbox

Microsoft: Office Excel, PowerPoint, Word


Unity (2D)



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Leverkusen, Germany